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Society of Witchcraft and Old Magick Welcome to the home page of the Society of Witchcraft and Old Magick! We are a coven in the Wardwell tradition of American Witchcraft operating in Canton, CT. We do not hold open rituals, but we do perpetuate the preserving of the tradition of the high integrity and structured teaching of the year and a day training and initiation path that has come to stand the test of time. The coven's High Priestess, Lady Nikki was formally trained and initiated as a Witch and then also a Priestess in the New Orleans tradition of the Religious Order of Witchcraft. Lady Nikki then went on to form her own coven, the Society of Witchcraft and Old Magick, so she could, in her own way, offer high quality teachings in the Craft and evolve the curriculum and rituals as needed. Training and enrollment in our coven is definitely for the committed student who is looking to find deep inspiration and hone their discipline to improve real magickal skills and knowledge. Feel free to contact our High Priestess with any questions. email: For healing services in Canton, CT, visit To follow Lady Nikki's blog, visit